In this tutorial, you will learn how to add/delete/edit new TP Frequency and Satellite names in SOLID SF-450 dB meter. Best lowest Price S2 Sat Finder price and online manual.

About SOLID digital dB meter –

SOLID SF-450 Digital S2 satellite finder is a simple instrument used in searching digital satellite signals. It can easily and correctly help you to find the emplacement for the receiving antenna. so that you can find every received satellite signal.

How to use SOLID SF-450 Sat finder (Installation Manual)?

Power On-
Connect to the Power adapter or satellite receiver with LNB out port, the SF-450 is going to power on. When you power on you will hear a short buzzing, the SOLID SF-450 is going directly to do a self-checking, displaying the instrument’s model and the SOLID logo. It will go to the main menu directly after that.
[Finder] –

Press the “OK” button to enter the [Finder] option to check to receive signals from the satellite. Now you can press the [left] or [right] button to change the satellite you want on the item. Also, you can press the [up] and [down] buttons to change the TP frequency of the selected satellite. Press the "OK" button to enter the [Finder] option to check to receive signals from the satellite You can press the [ok] button to go to the [Check Signal] item to check signals. You can see the real down Frequency and Symbol Rate, and also SNR & BER. If your dish antenna is aligned correctly, there will be [Lock] displayed on the screen, otherwise [Unlock]. Or else adjust the dish slightly to make it lock. You can press [OK] to go to spectrum to see the satellite spectrum.
[Satellite (Add / Edit / Delete)] –

If you want [Add], [Edit] and [Delete] satellite from the SF-450 dB meter, then you can use this option from the main menu. To Add a new satellite, Just go to the main menu and select [Satellite] What is the use of a satellite dB meter? add satellite and  TP list in Satellite db Meter Now you will see the given options to modify data. Use [Left], [Right], [Up], and [Down] keys. What is the use of a satellite dB meter? add satellite and  TP list in Satellite db Meter

Mode : Add / Edit / Delete SatName : [Give Satellite name] LNB: 5150/5150 (for C-Band) and 09750/10600 (for Ku-Band) 22K: On/Off (if you using 22k Switch) DiSEqC: On/Off (if you using the DiSEqC switch) Longitude: (Type satellite real position) Press the [Exit] button and press [OK] on Save [Yes].
[Transponder (Add / Edit / Delete)] –
How to use SOLID Digital Satellite dB Meter? Transponder (Add / Edit / Delete)

If you want [Add], [Edit], and [Delete] frequency from the SF-450 dB meter, then you can use this option from the main menu. Select [Transponder] and modify the below data as needed. SatName : [Select Satellite Name] Mode: Select Add/Edit/Delete Freq: Type your TP Frequency Symbol: Type your Symbol Rate Polarity: Select H or V Save: Press [OK] Press the [Exit] button and press [OK] on Save [Yes]. To check the signals of the newly added satellite and frequency, go to the [Finder] option as mentioned above and follow the instructions.   You can also read – How to use a digital satellite finder signal meter? How to use Solid 720 Digital Satellite dB Meter? Analog or Digital, Which is the best Signal Finder? Difference between Satellite Finder & Satellite dB Meter?

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