A C-band 5G Band Pass Filter is a device used in the field of telecommunications and wireless communications to prevent the frequencies of C-band and 5G telecom from mixing, i.e. to filter the incoming signals. , This eliminates the interference caused by 5G mobile signals in satellite TV.

What is C-band here?

C-band refers to a specific frequency range. In the context of satellite communications, C-band typically spans 4 to 8 gigahertz (GHz). It is widely used for satellite communications and wide-area television broadcasting

Then what is 5G?

5G means the fifth generation of mobile networks. This is the latest standard or new generation in telecommunication technology, although in some countries the next generation 6G is also being tested or started. It provides faster data speeds, lower latency, and increased capacity compared to previous generations of mobile networks (2G, 3G, and 4G).Related Post – 5G Network starts expanding in India including Kashmir.

Then what is the problem? ,

The frequency range of 5G and the frequency of C-Band is the same. Therefore, their mixing creates a disturbance in each other.It is also seen that where the 5G mobile tower is installed near a C-Band dish antenna, the C-band signal of the satellite has stopped being received in that dish antenna, or the picture is freezing. Or the disturbance is too much.

Band Pass Filter –

So to deal with the above problem, a bandpass filter is used. Which allows the satellite’s C-Band signals to enter the LNB. If the disturbance is less then you can also use C-Band 5G Filter LNB.A band-pass filter is an electronic device or circuit that attenuates or blocks signals within a certain frequency range. In the case of a C-band 5G bandpass filter, it is designed to pass signals associated with C-band or 5G communications.Read more –

Pay attention –

When purchasing a C-Band 5G band pass filter its exact specifications, its center frequency, bandwidth, and frequency filtering function may vary. First ask what types of frequencies it blocks, and what frequencies it allows to pass through.Here we learned about the use of C-Band Pass Filter to eliminate interference in C-Band downlinking caused by 5G networks.You can find the 5G Interference Rejection Bandpass Filter price here.
FAQs –
What is a C-band filter?
A C-Band bandpass filter is a special type of filter that rejects 5G network frequencies but allows C-Band signals with frequencies that are lower and higher than this stopband to pass through.
What is the bandpass filter?
A 5G Interference Rejection Bandpass Filter passage only certain range frequencies to C-Band LNB.
Why is bandpass filter used?
a C-Band 5G Extreme Bandpass Filter allows signals within a selected range of frequencies.

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