Today, if you take any company’s local free-to-air set-top box, you will 99% definitely get a streaming player in it, which is under different names…
92 Articles
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Here, We are giving instructions for the SOLID brand SD-921 MPEG-2 Set-top Box, This set-top box has different software from the market set-top box so…
4 Min Read
A set-top box (STB), also known in common parlance as a cable TV box, satellite receiver, and television decoder, is a device that typically has…
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To connect an SD Set-Top box to an LED TV, you’ll need to connect it to Audio Video (RCA). Because most SD set-top boxes do…
1 Min Read
As you know SOLID brand launched the latest technically upgraded set-top box. We have found 3 models which recently launched. The models are – SOLID…