The meaning of terrestrial network is well understood by those who were born around the year 2000. Because then only the DD-1 channel of Doordarshan used to come to us. For which very simple-looking antennas were installed on the roof. Even today, those antennas are visible on some of the roofs of the village. Because that was fixed the antenna permanently as soon as the house was built. But today it is the wonder of technology and the effort of the government that even without the cost of cable TV, more than 100 TV channels are reaching the poorest of the poor for free, including educational TV channels for students of different classes. . All this has happened through Prasar Bharati’s free satellite service Doordarshan DTH. This is a very good free service provided by the government of a country. Today the satellite dish antenna has replaced the old Yagi antenna. Today, when people buy a TV, there is also a satellite dish antenna with it.
Do you know it was closed for how many days?
Of course, if you think so, then it can also be true. Because when the terrestrial analog signal of Doordarshan was being converted into digital, then there was no talk of shutting down the analog Doordarshan signal in any city or village. From this, you can guess it.So, is there no use of terrestrial service today?
If you think something like this then it is not right. You will not believe that more than 150 TV channels are broadcast in the UK through this digital terrestrial service. The name is Freeview which is run by DTV same as Prasar Bharati managing Doordarshan DTH.Future of Digital Terrestrial TV Service –
The craze for free satellite service Freedish is high in India despite the presence of Digital TV DTT. However, this may now be replaced by Internet TV. So it seems difficult to spread such digital terrestrial even after being developed. Today, when the internet is cheap and high-speed in India, people have bypassed the traditional means of entertainment. Whatever it may be. Now, in the coming future, it is difficult to say which things are going to change the speed by 5G Technology. So how did you like this information related to digital TV? Interesting isn’t it? You can find high-definition digital terrestrial receivers here.Discover more from TrackDish - TV Installation Guide
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