The simplest solution to achieve use one dish to receive two satellite signals simultaneously, You can use two set-top boxes to receive different-2 satellite TV signals or you can combine both satellite TV signals using the DiSEQEC switch. by using this LNB, Free-To-Air DTH subscribers can get two satellites in a Single dish Antenna. This LNB can adjust the satellite angle from 4 degrees to 8 degrees. Before All customers used monoblock LNB.

Monoblock LNB Vs Multigrade LNB –

A Monoblock LNB is a single unit that contains two or more LNBs, each tuned to a specific frequency range, whereas A Multigrade LNB, also known as a Universal LNB, is a single unit that can receive signals from multiple frequency ranges.

Multi Grade Ku-Band LNB –

  • You can adjust the LNB position from one degree to another. You should check the specifications of this LNB before buying. Because most LNBs can adjust 4 Degrees to 8 Degrees or 3 degrees to 5 degrees.
  • It is not an inbuilt DISEqec Switch.

Monoblock Ku-Band LNB –

  • It comes with a fixed position, you can not adjust it.
  • It comes with an inbuilt Diseqec Switch 1.0
It means – Monoblock LNBs are designed to receive signals from two or more closely spaced satellites (typically within 6° or 9° separation). It includes an integrated DiSEqC (Digital Satellite Equipment Control) switch to switch between satellites. Whereas other multigrade LNBs can receive signals from multiple satellites using separate LNBs for each satellite, mounted on a single dish.

Suitable for –

Yes, you can use it with any DTH services or for Free-to-Air TV channels.

Where to Buy? –

You can compare prices and features here. You can buy it from Solid Website. You can find more topics about LNB here.
FAQs –
Can we use two setup boxes with one antenna?
Yes, you can use this LNB for receiving different-different satellites at a single-dish antenna, you can connect a separate set-top box
What is use of monoblock LNB?
The Monoblock multiple combined LNBs is the simplest solution to achieve multi-feed reception for two, three, or four satellites
Can you use 2 LNB in one dish?
Yes, Multigrade LNB is a very simple solution to connect 2 LNB on one Dish.

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