Yes, Zee Media Corporation Limited (ZMCL) has recently announced changes to its Reference Interconnect Offer (RIO) for 2025. One of the key updates is that Zee News, which was previously a paid channel, has now been announced as a Free-to-Air (FTA) channel. ZMCL also added another TV channel as an FTA channel, which is Ezmall, ezmall TV is a 24×7 shopping TV channel that is available on various DTH & cable TV platforms.

What is the FTA channel? –

A Free-to-Air Channel/FTA is defined as an available channel declared as such by the broadcaster, for which no fee is to be paid by the distributor and viewers. Recently TRAI has mandated all broadcasters to clarify their TV channel as FTA or Paid, where paid means the channel will be available by paying subscription and FTA means the channel will be available FREE on pay TV platforms and other free-to-air or FREE TV platforms. It should be listed or announced on the broadcaster’s official website, which is called the latest ROI, version 3.0, which will be applicable from 1st February 2025. So in this chain ZMCL also announced its FTA channels, you can check the ZMCL FTA channels list below, which is also applicable from 1st February 2025. 1. Zee News 2. EzMall
Zee Media also declared FTA channels in new ROI (2025)

Zee Media also declared FTA channels in new ROI (2025)

Source: ZMCL Official Recently Zee Entertainment Enterprises Limited (ZEEL) also announced its FTA channels in 2025. TRAI rules also will be useful for new FTA channels, to keep growing and coming into this market, because this blank space can be left by popular TV channels.

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